5604 Manor Community Garden

The 5604 Manor Community Garden is a collectively run community garden in the backyard of the 5604 Manor Community Center. The center is the home of the Workers Defense Project, Third Coast Activist Resource Center and Cooperation Texas. The garden was created with a grant from the Outdoor Nation Foundation in September 2012. The Garden is a free and open space for anyone to play outside, build community, and cultivate food, herbs, and native plants in a way that is sustainable for the environment and healthy for the body and mind. We share knowledge, tools, recipes, and the food that we grow in the garden. Absolutely no experience is necessary to get involved. All produce that is harvested is shared equally amongst garden participants and any excess produce is donated to Austin hunger relief organizations. Our volunteer hours are every Sunday 10am to 2pm and are free and open to everyone.

Location5604 Manor Rd., 78723


Contact: 5604manorcg@gmail.com

Garden Membership: Open to general public.

Status: Communal garden; accepting new members